Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Backlink Automator Reveiew

What is about Brett Ingram:
Brett Ingram is an Internet marketer specializing in generating traffic. His products include Traffic Python, Internet Marketing Implementation Blueprint, My Automatic List, Private Label Marketing videos, Web Traffic Juggernaut, and Extreme PLR Makeover. He also has an affiliate program as another way for his customers to generate cash from online efforts.
Brett Ingram Reputation
There are no posted scam reports online for "Brett Ingram". There are no negative posts in the Warrior Forum a popular Internet marketing forum. A search on the Website, Ripoff Report reveals that there are not reports for Brett Ingram. He has plenty of positive feedbacks for each of his products on the sales page so he must not have any difficulty finding buyers interested in leaving positive feedback.
What is about Backlink Automator :

Backlink Automator is a software tool so powerful it can help you generate an UNLIMITED supply of FREE traffic

Starting TODAY, you can generate 100% FREE traffic to as many websites as you want, and do it faster and easier than any other way…

See, search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo decide which websites to put on page 1 based on a number of factors but most important is how many backlinks each site has. And page 1 is where all the free traffic is (visitors search Google and see results, and over 90% of the clicks go to websites on page 1!) So…

More Backlinks = More Free TRAFFIC

It’s that simple. If you want more traffic you need more backlinks. (backlinks are links to your site from other sites. So if you have an affiliate link on your site for example, that is a backlink to the affiliate product site. You want to get as many other sites linking to YOUR site as possible…)
The problem is, building backlinks takes a ton of time and work. First you need to find sites you can get backlinks from–blogs, directories, social bookmarking sites and others. Then you need to narrow those down to your niche or keywords. Next you need to create and post content–write articles, make videos, create profiles, or post comments. And even after all that unless you got lucky and stumbled upon some “authority sites” in your niche you may need to do this 1,000s of times to get any results at all.

Now that’s a LOT of steps and it can take hours to create even just a few simple backlinks. At that speed it will take you a year to get enough backlinks to reach page 1 and see any real traffic. Well, that’s old school. Now you can forget all that because…

Backlink Automator does 95% of the work for you and GUARANTEES you find the highest authority sites
to get backlinks from for maximum traffic

Backlink Automator let’s YOU pick the keywords you want to rank and get traffic for, then it finds the high authority sites for you automatically! (and all the other sites too!)

And Backlink Automator lets you visit those sites from right inside the software, and create backlinks almost instantly with just the click of a button…
Check out these amazing features:

  • Launch the software and start using it in just seconds
  • Find 100s or even 1,000s of possible backlink sites for ANY keyword or niche
  • See Google Pagerank (PR) for all sites to know which sites are high authority in seconds
  • Visit any site in 1 click from right inside the software
  • Fill in your backlink info like name, email, URL, comment, description, and more in 1 click!
  • Store up to 10 profiles with different info so all your backlinks are unique
  • Use the profiles to create backlinks for multiple sites and URLs all at one time
  • Use spintax in your saved profiles for even easier and more unique backlink posting combinations
  • Save your searches to keep track of keywords you’ve already done backlinking for

(the PRO version will even post info and create backlinks for you and let you check the number of backlinks you have for any website!)

Backlink Automator will find tons of potential backlink sites for you, show you which ones are high authority sites, and fill in the content for your backlinks with a few mouse clicks–it doesn’t get any easier or faster than that! And it will store your info and links too, so you never have to retype or rewrite anything! Plus, you can save up to 10 profiles so you can build links on autopilot for a bunch of sites all at one time.

And the most important thing is you’re creating REAL, QUALITY, UNIQUE backlinks so search engines will LOVE your site and boost you to page 1 in record time! You’ll NEVER worry about getting your sites slapped or de-listed with Backlink Automator.

Backlink Automator does it ALL!
Are you struggling to generate traffic to your websites?
Dear Traffic-Starved Marketer,
If you’re like most Internet marketers the answer is YES. It’s the same old story…
You KNOW if you can just get enough traffic
you could make some serious CASH online

So you try some ‘easy’ traffic method you read about or learned in some info product you bought. Maybe it’s: Facebook, twitter, google adwords,........
–but when you try it, it’s not quite as ‘easy’ as it was claimed to be, and it doesn’t get you more than a trickle of visitors to your site. So, you do the only thing that makes sense–

you try ANOTHER traffic method you read about or got in some product you bought (maybe like me you got suckered into buying one of those ’3 clicks to crazy traffic and a bank account stuffed with cash’ gimmicks–don’t worry, I won’t tell :-))

And you go through this same cycle until you come to the ONE realization every marketer has to face

Getting traffic is HARD

The truth is, using the usual methods and tactics generating traffic is NOT easy, and it either costs you a TON of money or an insane amount of time–and even THEN doesn’t usually get you enough to make much money.

I know the feeling–you want to throw your hands up in frustration and shout “I QUIT!”

You were led to believe and told everywhere you look that getting traffic is ‘easy’ yet when you try any of the ‘easy’ methods they get you nowhere but BROKE and frustrated.
But before you give up on your Internet marketing dream and just accept the fact that you need to work a thankless job for a halfwit boss for the rest of your life…let me share this with you.

You’re Very Close To The BREAKTHROUGH
You’ve Been Searching For

The fact that you’ve been through the struggles, that you’ve taken action and tried stuff, and that you understand the key point in marketing…TRAFFIC is the #1 factor in making money online means you have what it takes to be successful online. You have the intangibles. The traits. The drive.

Read more about this product on the official website

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